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Hello, everybody again.

As some of you have already noticed, the distribution of the options in the main menu has been changed. The reason? easier to find what you are looking for depending on your subscription level.

It may not be aesthetically pleasing, but it was something I had to do. To be clear, a subscriber has access to the lower levels of the plan he has purchased, so if you are an Lvl 3 subscriber, you will have access to level 1 and 2.

I had a problem with the survey system, so until further notice you will not be able to use the survey option (as I cannot read the results).

Despite having little time lately, I have taken some time to make the change in the menu. I hope this can help with the navigation on the page.

I also warn lvl 2-3 and 4 subscribers that they can leave me questions or concerns in the forum.

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