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The deception

(Note: This comic book is not fiction).

After the discovery of an audiovisual material that Ramón had kept, it was discovered that Felicia Hammer had lied about the attempted rape she had suffered years ago.

Now, a work was elaborated that tells what really happened, from the protagonist's mouth and with the digital material that was recovered.




Felicia Hammer



Whisperer (Whisperer (representing Felicia's stepfather and his friend)


Total issues


Comic (sample)

Free comics will be displayed in full

Here you can choose which comic continues or precedes the story of the current comic. If it does not exist, the button will not work (and the link will not appear at the bottom left of the screen), if it is a remake, it will be added as a continuation. In the case of a remake, the “previous comic” button will show the demake.

Some sequels have not been made yet and there are only the old ones (from before 2020 and free). Depending on the version, the “next comic” button could lead to the old comic or to another issue.
This happens for example in “Cambiando pañales” where the sequel is the comic between Jackeline and Felipe (for being newer) and the prequel is the trilogy of “Cambiando pañales”.
In the case of “ Granddaughter à la carte”, the sequel to number 2 will not lead to the older number 3, as it is together with a pack. You can see the trilogy as just the demake of issue 1.

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